Covid19 - Sufficient vitamin D is the key for protection & recovery
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I recommend this excellent discussion of vitamin D among three eminent scientists (1). Although it is two hours long, it is not too technical and I found it quite captivating to watch. After watching, you will come to the inescapable conclusions listed below.
Vitamin D from sunlight is the most important intervention we can use to protect against and recover from covid.
It is more effective than ivermectin and other medicines, and more effective than vaccination. It is so effective, so cheap, and so safe that it is criminal that it is not being widely promoted and used.
Instead, Vitamin D and all other alternatives are being suppressed, censored or outlawed. We are told, forcefully, to do just one thing - get vaccinated, again and again.
If the authorities are not recommending vitamin D, what else have they got wrong?
This shows the immense power and influence of the pharmaceutical industry. Big pharma funds medical and research journals, universities, and governing bodies. It also funds online fact checkers. It looks like profits, social manipulation and control are prioritised above public health.
If you have to submit to taking a covid injection, your outcome will be much better if you already have a high level of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps prevent the formation of blood clots after such a vax injection.
1. Bret Weinstein, Gruff Davies, Linda Benskin. Vitamin D for Covid, What's the Catch? - DarkHorse Podcast. 2 hours and 21 seconds.
Try Odysee or bitchute if not on youtube.
2. Ali Daneshkhah, Vasundhara Agrawal, Adam Eshein, Hariharan Subramanian, Hemant K. Roy, Vadim Backman.
The Possible Role of Vitamin D in Suppressing Cytokine Storm and Associated Mortality in COVID-19 Patients.
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Covid19 - Sufficient vitamin D is the key for protection & recovery