Ailment: Acne
Remedy: Hydrogen peroxide

Comment posted by Dan of Perth, WA, Australia on 28 March 2013 at 0:46 1058
I got "35%" from nightingale pharmacy in south lake, after using it or a few weeks and having no improvements, I put 1 drop on my skin, knowing it should oxidize, nothing at all.
So I ordered H2O2 test strips, and after testing a diluted solution I've determined I was sold 3%
I'll be heading back to nightingales and demanding they refund my money.
Will be trying a supplier on eBay.
Side-effects posted by Marilyn of Portsea, VIC, Australia on 26 May 2010 at 20:27 226
I just want to say that when you are using hydrogen peroxide it is important not to pick at or exfoliate or anything like that. HP dries the skin and if you 'help things along' by exfoliating the dry skin it will slow down the healing. After my skin was clearer, I decided to only use the HP once a day in the evening, because it was drying things out too much even though it looked smoother underneath makeup. In other words the breakouts had dried out to the point where I could focus more on moisturizing. It took me awhile to realize that I was overdoing the HP and drying too much. I was also taking zinc sulphate as someone else suggested and I can't say for sure but I think this helped. Thanks to all!
Comment posted by David Niven Miller of Perth, WA, Australia on 26 May 2010 at 20:13 225
Patti it seems like you started using the coconut oil at about the same time as the Apple Cider Vinegar. It probably was working, but what you were experiencing was a detox/candida die-off from the coconut oil and the changes to your diet etc. In this situation you have a couple of days or weeks where it gets worse before you get better. I feel that if you had stayed with the ACV your skin would have cleared up just as successfully
Remedy (new) posted by Patti of New York, NY, USA on 26 May 2010 at 20:6 224
When I came first found this website I got all enthusiastic about Apple Cider Vinegar and rushed to the store and started taking 1 tsp 3x a day with a glass of water. I really had high hopes but after almost two weeks its little better. I'm 45 and in my early teens I had moderate acne. Occasionally I get zits when I succumb to chocolate ice cream but for some reason within the last year my acne has retuned like never before. First tried all the stuff I've used before like Noxzema and Clearasil but no joy. I cut out all dairy and meat, eating mostly raw foods. I also exercise 3x week. ACV and organic unrefined coconut oil (as a light moisturizer) seemed like it was working in the first week, but then the acne came back worse! So I stopped ACV after 2 weeks and turned to Hydrogen Peroxide and UREKA!! I just washed my face then used a cotton ball to apply the 3% peroxide all over my face. I held the cotton ball over the bigger zits for a couple of minutes (stings a little) and then off to sleep. The next morning my face had cleared by 50%. After a couple of days my face was a bit dry but the pimples were gone!