Hydrogen Peroxide
What is hydrogen peroxide?
Uses, remedies, treatments
How to use hydrogen peroxide
Possible reactions
Hydrogen Peroxide to dissolve ear wax
What is hydrogen peroxide?
Hydrogen peroxide is the same thing as hydrogen dioxide. Its chemical formula is H2O2, containing one more atom of oxygen than water H20. Hydrogen peroxide is odourless and colourless. It has a bleach-like aftertaste. It is cheap, widely available, and cannot be patented.
It is a stable compound when stored in the absence of light and contaminants. When exposed to other compounds it readily breaks down into water and oxygen. The single oxygen atom it releases is a highly reactive free radical. In most circumstances free radicals are responsible for a variety of diseases and premature aging. However, H2O2 is actually created by white blood cells to supply the immune system with this oxygen free radical to destroy harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
Uses, remedies, treatments
Hydrogen peroxide provides a source of reactive oxygen species, and can be used as an oxygen supplement. H2O2 is used in several of the body's systems, and is found in rainwater (particularly high in storm water), raw organic fruits and vegetables, and mother's milk, for example.
Most of the good bacteria in the body are aerobic, in other words, they survive in the presence of oxygen. In contrast, most strains of harmful bacteria (and cancer cells) are anaerobic and cannot survive in the presence of oxygen or H202. Cancer cells thrive in an environment with little or no oxygen, but are destroyed by high levels of oxygen.
Hydrogen peroxide may be applied to open cuts and wounds in low concentration. It may also be taken internally or used intravenously. When it is taken into the body (orally or intravenously) the oxygen content of the blood and body tissues increases - more than the amount of oxygen in the H2O2 itself. It stimulates the production of enzymes, increases the metabolic rate, causes small arteries to dilate and increase blood flow, and raises body temperature. Mother's milk contains H202, and the amount in the first milk (colostrum) is even higher. One of its main functions is to activate and stimulate the immune system. Hydrogen peroxide is needed for the production of thyroid and sexual hormones. It improves glucose utilisation in diabetics.
Hydrogen peroxide has been used to treat a wide variety of ailments. Of particular note is its success with supposedly incurable emphysema. Its greatest success has been in dealing with degenerate diseases caused by lack of oxygen and harmful micro-organisms:
- Asthma, emphysema and other lung diseases.
- Cancer. All forms of cancer.
- Candida.
- Diseases of the digestive system including diarrhoea, intestinal parasites, irritable bowel / IBS, bowel cancer.
- Periodontal diseases.
- Immune system disorders
- Chronic fatigue.
- Hundreds of other diseases caused by viral infections, and infections by bacteria and other micro-organisms.
One may ask how H2O2 can be beneficial for health and aging when it is an oxidant. My conclusion is that it should not be taken in high doses for long periods. When taking it in high doses, you can supplement with additional antioxidants to counter its oxidising effect. For example, take a drop of clove oil each day under the tongue.
Danger, accidents. Hydrogen peroxide needs to be diluted for medicinal use, and if taken in concentrated form can be dangerous or fatal. It should be handled carefully, using gloves and eye protection. 35% solution will burn skin on contact - if this happens, flush with plenty of running water.
Storage. Keep hydrogen peroxide out of the reach of children. Store hydrogen peroxide in a glass rather than plastic container (some suppliers use a special plastic which is OK). Keep it tightly-sealed in a cool place or in a refrigerator. Clearly mark the container with the contents and Danger or Caution.
Children, pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding should not use H2O2 because little is known about its possible effects on the fetus, infant or child.
Sleep. Taking H2O2 immediately before bedtime causes difficulty getting to sleep (insomnia) because of the increased oxygen supplied to the body's cells.
If you are taking it internally and it burns, check that you have diluted it correctly. If it continues to burn, discontinue.
Transplant recipients. People who have had transplants should not take hydrogen peroxide, because it stimulates the immune system and could cause rejection of the transplanted organ.
How to use hydrogen peroxide
3% pharmaceutical grade hydrogen peroxide is sold at your local supermarket or pharmacy. Unfortunately the 3% grade is usually impure, containing toxic stabilisers such as acetanilide, phenol, sodium stanate and tertrasodium phosphate. Only pure H2O2 should be used internally.
The best H2O2 for internal use is 35% or 50% food or pharmaceutical grade. It is dangerous and will burn the skin on contact - if this happens, flush with plenty of running water. It should be properly diluted before use. Keep a supply in a small glass eyedropper bottle. Prepare it by mixing drops in a glass of pure water. Do not use chlorinated water, mineral water, or anything other than the purest water you can find.
Orally. When drinking it, start with 1-3 drops in a glass, three times per day. Over the following days gradually increase the number of drops to 15-25 per glass, depending on the person and the ailment being treated. After three weeks, reduce to a maintenance dose of a total of 5-15 drops per week (not day).
In a warm bath. Carefully add 1 cup of 35% or 10 cups of 3% H2O2 to a large warm bath. Use eye protection and gloves until mixed.
Soak for 20 minutes. The advantage of this method is that the skin absorbs the peroxide and it does not interfere with or damage the digestive system. Also, you can eat at any time.
For those suffering from candida, start with 1 drop of H2O2 in a glass of water 3 times per day for the first week. Increase to 2 drops in the second week. This is because of the effect of candida die-off (see Possible reactions, below).
For open cuts and wounds, use 1-3 drops of 35% or 50% food or pharmaceutical grade H2O2 in a glass of pure unchlorinated water. Do not use a more concentrated solution as it can be toxic to new cells.
For a mouthwash, dilute 1% peroxide 50:50 with water. Some people use 1% H2O2 with no additional water.
Important - only drink H2O2 on an empty stomach, at least 1 hour before or 3 hours after a meal. If taken too close to food, it can damage your digestive system or react with certain foods causing toxic by-products.
Possible reactions
When you first start using H2O2 it will often cause a healing crisis. This effect is caused by bacteria and fungi dying off, and various toxins being released into the bloodstream and through the eliminative organs of the body - skin, lungs, liver, kidneys and bowels. Drink plenty of pure warm water. Symptoms may include skin eruptions, headaches, malaise, nausea, upset stomach, feeling sleepy during the day, fatigue, diarrhoea, colds and phlegm in the head and chest, ear infections, boils, or whatever other methods that the body uses to emit toxins. This cleansing reaction is normal and natural. If the symptoms are too severe, then simply decrease the dosage of H2O2 that you are taking.
Hydrogen Peroxide to dissolve ear wax
- Do not use this remedy if you have ear or jaw pain, it may make it worse. For a few people, it can actually cause severe ear or jaw pain. The first time you use it, try only a few drops and see how you go.
- Do not use this remedy for a few days before flying.
- Do not use this remedy more than once in a few days. If it did not dissolve all the ear wax the first time, wait a few days before trying again.
- Do not use hydrogen peroxide more concentrated than 3%.