Ailment: Conjunctivitis
Remedy: Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
Baking soda / sodium bicarbonate. How to use it as a home remedy, why it works, and warnings on its use.
Lemon juice and baking soda may also be of interest
Baking soda / sodium bicarbonate and lemon juice, how to use this mixture, a potent traditional home remedy.

Comment posted by Julian of London, London, United Kingdom on 14 February 2013 at 1:16 966
A pinch or two of Sodium Bicarbonate diluted in warm water. Applied with cottom wool to the eye allowing the eye to be bathed in solution. Use SEPARATE cotton wool pads for each eye to avoid cross contamination of the eyes. Works very quickly. Within 24 hours results were very good. A child of 3 was not concerned by the slight "saltiness" of the Bicarb.
100% success rate. Much faster and better than antibiotic creams/lotions or potions used by other members of the family (Their problems lasted for a week or more!)
Cost: $0.001....