Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and lemon juice
Sodium bicarbonate - how and why
How to use sodium bicarbonate and lemon juice
Warnings on use of sodium bicarbonate
Baking soda - how and why
Baking soda is discussed separately, where you can read why it works as a remedy, how to use it, and a list of warnings on its use.
How to use baking soda and lemon juice
Add one or two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice to half a glass of water. You need the strong acidity of lemons / limes - other citrus like oranges have high sugar content and are not suitable. Then stir in a little baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), up to about 1/8 of a teaspoon. After a few seconds it will fizz. Keep adding a little at a time until the fizzing slows down.
You can use unpasteurised apple cider vinegarapple cider vinegar instead of lemon juice in this recipe. If you are using this cure for phlebitis, start with lemons rather than ACV. The vitamin C and other components of lemons make them highly effective.
Drink two or three glasses per day, on an empty stomach.
For a limited period, up to two weeks, you can double the number of glasses per day if you feel the need.