A quick nap can improve your memory
How much easier could it get? People who take short daytime naps do better than non-nappers on memory exercises (1). As little as six minutes makes a difference.
How does a quick snooze improve your memory? It seems that the act of falling asleep triggers a brain and memory-boosting process that remains effective regardless of how long you nap. Sleep is a brain detox process.
So the important thing is that you lie down and relax to the point where sleep processes start. Your muscles relax, breathing and heartbeat slow, and numerous body processes and chemistry change.
The researchers did not study the effect of meditation, but I would be willing to bet that they would have found many of the same effects after a short meditation.
Other important ways to maintain your memory:
- Use it. Do memory exercises, make an effort to remember names and lists. Play memory games. Memory exercises provide protection from all kinds of cognitive decline including Alzheimer's.
- Eat folate-rich foods like asparagus, oranges, Brussels sprouts and especially leafy green vegetables like spinach.
- Socialize. Research shows that social interaction is vital to maintain your memory as the years go by.
1. Lahl O, et al.
An ultra short episode of sleep is sufficient to promote declarative memory performance.
Journal of Sleep Research 2008 Mar;17(1):3-10.