The Sugar Cure
What is the sugar cure?
How to do the sugar cure
How does the sugar cure work?
Lactose, galactose, mucus and the common cold
Reducing the lactose in dairy
Other remedies for the common cold
What is the sugar cure?
Sugar is yet another of those wonderful and traditional home remedies that can quickly cure a wide range of ailments, and yet has no negative side-effects. It is so cheap, so effective, so easy that most people dismiss it as not being possible. Those who sell other remedies, the makers of supplements, pharmaceutical manufacturers, doctors and other health professionals - none of them have a financial incentive to promote something that you can do yourself so easily.
If you feel that you are coming down with a cold, or if you have a runny nose or other congestion of head spaces, use the sugar cure for an hour or two and repeat it once a week or as required. Regular use of this remedy can resolve long-established problems like asthma, respiratory diseases such as emphysema, sinus problems, hearing and ear problems like infections and glue ear, eye diseases such as cataracts or glaucoma, poor blood circulation and even dementia.
As well as the sugar cure detailed on this web page, sugar may also be used as a natural antibiotic and effective treatment for wounds and intractable ulcers. Details here.
How to do the sugar cure
Take a teaspoon of sugar in your mouth and swirl it around. Let the sugar completely dissolve, and move it around your mouth and especially under your tongue. Do not swallow any of it. After a couple of minutes, spit it all out. Repeat with another teaspoon of sugar.
Keep repeating this cycle for at least an hour, and preferably for a couple of hours. If you have a mild cold, you should notice a big difference after an hour. If you have a heavy cold, it may take four hours of sugar cycling to virtually cure the cold. By that time you should be able to easily breathe through your nose, and symptoms such as congestion and "cold headaches" should have gone. Long-standing ailments around the sinuses, in the Eustachian tubes and in the ears, in the lymphatic system and many other parts of the body may take repeated use of this cure over many days or weeks, but you should notice a significant difference.
Remember that it is essential that you reduce your diary intake, especially of powdered milk or "non-fat milk products" and any foods that contain them. There is no point to doing the sugar cure if you are removing the toxic products of dairy sugars with the cure, but feeding them into your body with ice cream, sweet or low-fat yogurt, whey products, and numerous supermarket foods that contain milk powder, skimmed milk, and milk solids.
Don't worry about harming your teeth. While you are doing the cure, the sugar in your mouth is so concentrated that bacteria and fungi cannot live in it. These microorganisms need a dilute sugar solution to survive, but when the sugar is too concentrated (similar to jams and preserves and dried fruit) they cannot live in it. After you finish doing the sugar cure, rinse your mouth out and brush your teeth.
How does the sugar cure work?
The sugar draws mucus dissolved in lymph fluid into the mouth. It takes a while to pull or draw a significant amount of mucic acid so this is why you have to keep going with the procedure for a couple of hours.
Lactose, galactose, mucus and the common cold
Lactose is the main sugar found in dairy milk. It is sweet and delicious, and therefore widely used in many processed foods and supermarket foods. Lactose is essential for growing animals that suckle, but once they are weaned they lose the ability to properly digest and use milk sugar. The liver of a healthy adult, according to Walter Last (1), can break down and digest only about 10 grams of lactose per day. This is the amount of lactose in a glass of milk. The lactose content of ice cream and skim milk powder may be up to ten times higher than milk.
When a lactose molecule breaks down, it breaks into a glucose molecule and a galactose molecule. Glucose of course, is our main energy molecule. Galactose is needed by infants to grow their brains and nervous systems, but after they are weaned large quantities of galactose become extremely harmful. If excessive quantities of milk sugars are present in the body the liver tries to deal with them, and the remaining galactose is oxidised. This oxidised galactose is known as mucic acid.
Mucic acid is not soluble in water, so it accumulates and builds up as thick mucus in many parts of the body, or hangs in suspension in fluids in the form of mucus. The body tries not to let it build up in any vital areas, reduce blood circulation or hinder the functions of any organs, so the first symptom you notice is mucus and phlegm around the nose and throat.
When the body expels mucic acid, it first dissolves it in the lymphatic fluid. The most important function of the lymphatic system is to remove harmful substances such as mucic acid from sensitive organs and areas where they could do real harm, and transport them to areas of elimination. Mucus is so dangerous and congesting that the normal organs of elimination, the kidneys and liver, are not used to remove it. Instead, the insides of our body openings have a strong affinity for mucus and this is how it is expelled. The lungs, the respiratory tract and hollow head spaces such as the sinuses and the Eustachian tube (the passage between the inner ear and back of the mouth) are used to expel mucus. Spitting out the mucus that accumulates in the back of your throat is a better habit than swallowing it!
The body occasionally does a mucus cleansing in the form of a cold, wet cough, runny nose or even as hay fever. Young children often have an excessive lactose intake and their lymph glands and channels are often congested with mucic acid. Young bodies seem to have no problem creating a cold or runny nose to expel the mucus. If the accumulation of mucus is excessive and not being removed fast enough, the mucus build up provides a breeding ground for germs which cause chronic infections in the sinuses, the middle ears, the respiratory tract and the lungs. Leukaemia and other cancers may be a consequence of a lymphatic system that is badly mucus-congested for a long period. Mucic acid congestion is also the main cause of ear infections, glue ear and other hearing problems. The simple remedy is to reduce lactose intake.
The common cold is the most frequent infectious disease we suffer from. The average adult has two to four cold infections per year and the average child gets between 6 and 12 colds. Doctors frequently prescribe an antibiotic for a cold, causing immense harm. However in recent years the awareness of the damage that antibiotics cause is becoming more widespread.
Old people tend to have less frequent colds and runny noses. If an old person is on a high-lactose diet and not getting these mucus eliminations, then they are in danger of suffering from the diseases of mucus accumulation. It is important that old people keep sufficiently hydrated by drinking plenty of water, and exercise as much as possible to keep the lymph system working (the lymphatic system works by creating circulation from the movement of muscles).
Reducing the lactose in dairy
The traditional way of reducing the lactose content of milk products is by fermenting them. The lactic acid bacteria cause increasing acidity that precipitates the milk into curd on top and clear watery whey underneath. The whey contains most of the lactose and should be discarded. Some of the lactose remaining in the curds is converted to lactic acid. Note: the whey also contains the growth factor IGF-1. IGF-1 is a promoter of tumour growth, especially of hormone-sensitive tumours in the breasts, ovaries, uterus and prostate.
Other remedies for the common cold
- Zinc.
- Vitamin C. High dose vitamin C, ideally taken as liposomal vitamin C or taken intravenously. It is difficult to take vitamin C at the rate of grams per day without causing diarrhoea.
- Do NOT consume sugar.
- Avoid antibiotics.
- Sufficiency of magnesium, selenium and iodine.
Your comments about any of your experiences - positive or negative - with your use of the sugar cure are welcome at Grow Youthful. I am always curious about your use of and experience with natural remedies, and your feedback is very welcome.
1. Many thanks to Walter Last for his article Instant Cure of the Common Cold at his excellent website health-science-spirit.