Remedy for Warts What is your remedy? 5-HTP Acetone Activated charcoal Acupuncture ACV - see Apple Cider Vinegar Adrenal extract AHCC Alcohol Alignment / pillow Aloe vera Amla (Indian gooseberry) Animals kept outside Antibacterial cleaner Antibiotics Antiseptic powder Apple Apple Cider Vinegar Asafoetida Asparagus water Aspirin Avocado Avoid coconut oil Avoid dried fruit Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) Baking soda - lemon juice Banana peel Bath - warm Bean leaves Bearberry leaves Bees wax Bentonite Benzoyl peroxide Benzyl benzoate Berberine BHT Bioflavonoids Bird and nest cleanup Black walnut Blackstrap molasses Blow dryer Bodywork Borax Bowen therapy Breast milk Breath control Bromelain (pineapple) Brushing - body brushing Buteyko breathing Cannabis Carbonated water Cascara Castor oil Cayenne pepper Cedarwood oil Celery Chamomile Charcoal, activated Chasteberry Cherry Chiropractor Chlorine bleach Chlorine dioxide (MMS) Chocolate Cholesterol & saturated fat Choline Cilantro (Coriander) Cinnamon Cistus incanus Citric acid - avoid Citrus bioflavonoids Citrus oil Clay Clay bath or mud on skin Cloves / clove oil Coca cola Coconut oil Coconut oil - avoid Coenzyme Q10 Coffee Coffee grounds Cold pack Cold shower Cold water Colloidal silver Comfrey / cinnamon / chamomile tea Conditioner (hair) Coriander (Cilantro) Coriander seed eyewash Cranberry juice D-mannose D-ribose Dandelion Dental floss Dental guard DGL Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice Diatomaceous earth / silicon Diet - acid reflux recovery Diet - alkaline Diet - candida recovery Diet - gluten-free Diet - GM-free Diet - Grow Youthful Diet - no dairy Diet - probiotic Diet - sugar addiction Digestive enzymes Dill DMSO Dried fruit - avoid Drink upside-down Duct tape Earthing EDTA EFT Tapping Egg whites Electrical tape Emu oil Enzymes (digestive) Epley manoeuvre Epsom salts Eucalyptus oil Evening primrose oil Exercise Eyelid cleaner Fasting Fecal transplant Fenugreek Fish / krill / squid / calamari oil Flax oil Flowers of sulphur Fluoride removal Foam / sponge pad Frankincense GABA Gallium nitrate Garlic Garlic oil Gasoline (petrol) Gelatine/cartilage/gristle Ghee (clarified butter) Ginger - crystallised (candied) Ginger paste, eucalyptus oil Ginger tea Ginkgo biloba Glue Gluten-free diet Glycerine Glycolic acid GM-free diet Goldenseal Grape seed extract Grapefruit seed extract Grounding Hair conditioner Hairdryer Heat Hibiscus flower Honey Horseradish root Hot air Humming Hyaluronic acid Hydrogen peroxide Ice pack Ichthammol (black drawing salve) Inca Inchi oil Inclined bed therapy IBT Indian gooseberry (Amla) Infrared light insecticide Iodine Juniper berries Kefir (milk kefir) Kefir (water kefir) Kegel exercises Kerosene Kerosene Kombucha L-Glutamine Lanolin Lavender Oil Lecithin LED Infrared light Lemon balm Lemon juice Lemon juice and baking soda Lemon oil Lemongrass Licorice root Light - avoid Lime Listerine Longan fruit Lysine Maca Magnesium Oil Maidenhair tree Marijuana Marshmallow root Massage Mastic gum Meat tenderiser Meditation Melatonin Melissa officinalis Methionine Methylene Blue Methylene blue Milk of magnesia Milk thistle Milkweed (euphorbia peplus) Mineral mix MMS Molasses Monolaurin Moringa oleifera Mother's milk MSM Mud (clay) Mushrooms Mustard Myrhh oil N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) Nasal colloidal silver wash Nasal salt wash Navratna oil Neem Nettle Noni juice Oatmeal bath Oil pulling Okra Olive leaf extract Olive oil Onion Orange oil Oregano oil Ozone Paraffin Patchouli oil Pau D'arco Paw Paw (papaya) Peanut butter Peppermint Petrol (gasoline) Pets kept outside Pillow / alignment Pine nut oil Pine tar soap Pineapple (bromelain) Popcorn Potassium Potassium permanganate Probiotics Progesterone Psyllium Purslane Radish Raising bed head Raisins soaked in gin Red clover tea Rejuvelac Relaxation Rice bran syrup Rooibos tea - avoid Rosemary oil Rubbing alcohol Rutin Sacha Inchi oil Salicylic acid Salt (Sea salt) Sauna / steam room Saw Palmetto Sea water Seaweed select Remedy .......... Serum Sesame oil Shampoo Shea butter Shiitake mushrooms Sinus colloidal silver spray Sinus salt rinse Sleep Slippery elm bark Soap Soda water Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) Squat to eliminate Steam inhalation Sticky tape Stop drinking alkaline water Sugar (table sugar) Sugar addiction recovery Sugar cure Sulphur powder (yellow, not MSM) Sun tanning bed Sunflower seeds Sunlight making vitamin D Swedish bitters Tamarind Tape (electrical or duct) Tea Tea tree oil Teasel root Testosterone The sugar cure Thyme essential oil Tiger balm Toothpaste - desensitising - avoid Turmeric Turpentine Ultraviolet light Urine therapy Usnea (old mans beard lichen) Uva ursi leaves Vaseline Vicks vapo rub Vinegar - apple cider Vinegar - white Vitamin B complex Vitamin B12 Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) Vitamin B6 Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K Vitex Agnus Castus (chasteberry) Walnut, black Water (drinking water) Whey Whitfield's ointment Wipes - wet antibacterial Witch hazel Xylitol Yellow sulphur Yogurt Zapper Zinc Type your remedy here if not found in the pull-down list above Vote (Yes / No) Not voting Yes No Comment / Side-effects / Question? 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