Ailment: Age spots (liver spots)
Remedy: Apple Cider Vinegar
Comment posted by David Niven Miller of Perth, WA, Australia on 30 September 2010 at 20:35 407
Hi Eva, may I answer your question? Use neat ACV or juice unless your skin is broken or damaged. Test a little bit if you are in doubt. It will work much better if it is full strength.
Question posted by Eva of Perth, WA, Australia on 25 September 2010 at 9:19 404
My question is to Marilyn. Did you use the ACV, lemon and onion juice neat or diluted on your skin?
Remedy (new) posted by Marilyn of Portsea, VIC, Australia on 4 June 2010 at 14:33 256
I had some age spots on the backs of my hands that slowly appeared over several years. At first I wasn't too worried because I thought they were just freckles, but they continued to grow to nearly 1 cm in size, and made my hands look old. I have applied apple cider vinegar, ACV mixed with onion juice, and lemon juice to the spots. They lightened within a couple of weeks, and after two months had just about disappeared completely. I think the ACV and the lemon juice pretty much have the same effect, a natural acid on the skin. I also drink them in water every day. My skin is so much better. The onion juice feels good, I know it also helps. But it stinks, so you can really only use it at night before going to bed.