Ailment: Weak digestion
Remedy: Lemon juice
Lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, sour whey, Swedish bitters and kombucha are all invaluable aids to improving digestion. Try each of them to find which works best for you.
Mix a teaspoon, or a few teaspoons of fresh lemon (or lime) juice in a glass of water, and drink it 20 minutes before a meal, or at any time. It helps with the digestion of food (good to take before a meal) and a wide range of digestive problems, and contributes to general health and longevity.
You can also use lemon juice and ACV on your skin. The acidity is beneficial, promoting acidic bacteria and inhibiting fungi. The acidity also inhibits demodex mites living in hair follicles and oil glands. Almost every adult has these mites, but in some people their population gets out of control, or their skin reacts to the mites.
Apply undiluted ACV or lemon juice directly on the skin for skin fungus, psoriasis and other skin conditions.

Comment posted by Jax of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada on 16 December 2013 at 15:6 1619
Remedy Lemon Wedge with Peel.
Instant RELIEF if you eat a Lemon Wedge and the Peel.
Comment posted by Tashimoto of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada on 29 October 2011 at 10:49 518
Lemons taste acidic but they leave an alkaline ash upon digestion. The point of combining lemon and baking sodium is to achieve a more balanced sodium (baking soda) to potassium (lemon/lime) ratio which is very good for the human organism. Additionally, it is recommended to take the mixture on an empty stomach, away from meal times so as to eliminate any concerns about acid-alkaline digestive issues while eating meals.
Comment posted by David Niven Miller of Perth, WA, Australia on 7 June 2010 at 19:59 264
Apple cider vinegar and fresh lemon / lime / citrus juice are our most effective and voted for remedies for acid reflux / heartburn. Read above why is it beneficial to take them with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).
Baking soda is also a fantastic way to alkalise the body, and is a great remedy for many skin ailments.
Remedy (new) posted by David Niven Miller of Perth, WA, Australia on 18 April 2010 at 18:38 52
Every morning before breakfast I have the juice of half a lemon stirred into a glass of water. Sometimes I also add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. I stir it and drink it with a straw. My digestion is much stronger now - no signs at all of acid reflux. My skin has improved, age spots disappearing, and I have more energy.