Ailment: Crohn's disease
Remedy: Urine therapy
Urine therapy. What it is, how to do it. UT and allergies. Urine therapy is an effective traditional home remedy for many ailments.

Comment posted by Monica of Roanoke, Virginia, USA on 13 September 2013 at 3:46 1392
I tried urine therapy for about 2 weeks when I was in a really bad flare. I began to have more energy after about 3 days of this. I'm currently in my third week and my symptoms are very slowly starting to decrease in intensity. However, I think I'm going through the "healing crisis". This, I'm assuming is from my body detoxing. I keep getting annoying rashed on my hands and some dryness on my feet. Other than that, I'm going to keep on going and see how it progresses.