Ailment: PMS
Remedy: Molasses
Remedy (new) posted by Selene of Los Angeles, CA, USA on 30 July 2010 at 18:44 345
I've had many, many, trips to doctors over the years and taken pills that only made things worse overall. Nothing worked! I came close to losing my job because of my monthly "crazies". My family and boyfriend had to put up with a woman from hell in those two weeks. I also suffered severe cramps and bloating. After reading about apple cider vinegar and blackstrap molasses on this site, I decided to try them in combination. Each morning and each evening I took a tablespoon of ACV in water, and a heaped teaspoon of organic un-sulphured blackstrap molasses. My grandmother always used to talk about molasses, saying it would cure whatever ails you. I started just as my period was finishing. Two weeks later, things were noticeably better. The following month I could say the crazies were gone. No cramps, no food cravings, bloating, headaches, heavy bleeding. Feeling much happier, not one episode of crying. I sleep better, my skin looks better, I have got the missing half of my life back again!