Ailment: Gum diseases
Remedy: Garlic
Garlic, healing properties, how to avoid bad breath, garlic tea, how to make garlic oil.

Comment posted by Marie of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA on 15 November 2013 at 6:58 1546
I've been battling an oral fistula for the last five days. It was at its worst the first day it appeared, the size of a pencil eraser and whitish. I immediately began oil pulling with coconut oil 3 times daily, followed by a gentle brushing and flossing, and rinsing well with salt water (using sea salt). Within 48 hours, this had improved it a LOT - it was much smaller and less white and it's been getting steadily better ever since, but there's still a tiny little blister that's a little sore. I want to knock this thing completely out, so I thought I'd give garlic a try in addition to the oil pulling and sea salt water. I just minced a bit of fresh garlic and added sea salt and warm water and rinsed well with that (it was strong enough to tingle and burn in my mouth just a bit, but not bad at all). I have no idea as of yet if it's going to help get rid of that little blister, but it did completely take the soreness away within minutes. I have a massive case of garlic breath, but my gums feel great. :)
I'll try to remember to post again if it does get rid of that last little blister...
Comment posted by Greg of Bournemouth, Dorset, England on 31 October 2013 at 17:42 1512
My cap that I'd had on my back top left molar over two years ago fell out, what was left barley came through the gum (it must have snapped). The pain was excruciating and when I looked in the mirror my gum above had gone black (infected). I crushed fresh garlic clove and stuffed a finger tip full of mulch into the tender bit and rubbed around my gums - compared to the pain my whole side of face was in the 'garlic burn' was negligible. It really works I did this twice a day for a week.
Comment posted by Suzanne of Feltham, Middlesex, England on 6 October 2013 at 7:5 1446
I went to the dentist on Thursday with an abscess on my gum right near my cheekbone, the dentist wanted to give me antibiotics, I am anti antibiotics, especially as I'm breastfeeding my 8 week old daughter. When I told the dentist I was breastfeeding he sent me away telling me to go back the next day if it got worse and he would give me a prescription. The next day I was in AGONY I could barely open my mouth, so I reluctantly went back to the dentist, he gave a prescription for antibiotics but told me to check with my GP to see if I could take them, I called my dr and he said it was ok, still reluctant I took my first dose with 1 paracetamol tablet to try and get rid of the intense pain, 2 doses later I decided I wasn't happy breastfeeding my daughter as I know some of the antibiotic would passed through into my milk is I expressed and threw it away and gave my daughter formula (yuk!) totally unhappy about this I found this page whilst searching for a natural remedy for toothache/abscess. Immediately I went to the kitchen and crushed a clove of garlic placed it between my cheek and gum OMG THE BURN!! I read that I should leave it do 10 minutes ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!! I lasted at best 1 minute before having to spit it out, my nose was running, my eye was watering and the dribble was pouring from my mouth BUT I am completely PAIN FREE!!!! My cheek was VERY swollen, it still is swollen but not as much and I cannot believe I feel no pain at all. Thank you to everyone who posted comments because now I can go back to breast feeding my baby girl, ditch the poisonous antibiotics and be pain free
Comment posted by Michelle of Canberra, ACT, Australia on 3 October 2013 at 16:33 1442
Wow! The burning is something else!! However, can feel it working with gum inflammation going down now. Will do another round before bed :)
Comment posted by BILL of LONOKE, Arkansas, U.S.A. on 10 June 2012 at 12:54 675
Thursday when I woke up I had a pain in my lower back right tooth. The pain was miserable. I took some aspirin, but it barely helped. Tried swishing with sea salt, but no relief. I went on the internet to try and find some home remedy, and read about garlic. Went to the store , got some, rushed home, and gave it a try. Split a clove of garlic, popped a chunk in my mouth, and started chewing it up on the opposite side of my mouth. Almost immediately I felt intense burning especially on the tip of my tounge. The garlic oil/ juice is hot at first. I was determined to see if it worked because I was desperate and in horrible pain. Well to my surprize, I began to feel relief. I kept the garlic in my mouth for about 20 mins, then just swallowed the juice and chewed up chunks. I was just ammazed at the reduction of pain. Took a nap. When I got up I tried the garlic chew again. Ouch, burning, then wow, pain relief again. The second time even felt better afterwards. I don't know how the garlic works. I'm not sure if it has pain killing properties in the garlic oils to where it deadens the pain, but how ever it works, I now am a full believer. I too have heard of garlic for antibiotic uses, and that it's supposed to help the immune system, but never heard about using it for gum or tooth pain. My tooth hurt because I had a bad abscess swollen gum around my tooth. I highly recomend anyone who has an abscess to try this because it actually works, and works very well. Remember though, the garlic will burn alot, but endure it for a few mins, because the pay off is well worth it. Wished that I had known about this years ago. This definately is one of the best home remedies I have come across.
Comment posted by JohnM of Sydney, NSW, Australia on 25 May 2010 at 16:55 218
Garlic for gum abscess. I am in awe of the potency of garlic as a natural antibiotic. I have known for a long time about the use of garlic, but have never really used it in a serious situation. The inside of a gum against a wisdom tooth was infected according to my dentist, and the only way to clear it was using antibiotics. The next day I could hardly open my mouth, and could feel the infection spreading deep into the muscles that hinge my jaw. I knew it was a deep abscess but I was determined not to use pharmaceutical antibiotics as I am very much aware of how they harm your digestion and immune system for many months. I was doing salt water rinses a couple of times a day, and they helped, but I was not getting on top of the situation. The following day the pain was increasing, so I went out and bought some clove oil, and applied that with a cotton wool tip to the gum. Instant relief! But over the next couple of days the pain in my jaw muscles did not go away, and though the clove oil was obviously helping, the main infection was still there. The abscess also burst which relieved the pressure and some of the pain. The "aha!" moment was when I started using garlic. This is not for the feint-hearted. I mashed up a large clove of garlic in my mortar and pestle and placed some of the mash on my abscess and drank the rest with a glass of water. The pain was incredible and my mouth was dribbling. For ten minutes I just walked around while the pain reduced. Within 12 hours the abscess reduced by half, and the next morning the swelling was virtually gone, the abscess had stopped oozing pus, and there was hardly any pain.