Ailment: Blood pressure (high)
Remedy: Garlic
Garlic, healing properties, how to avoid bad breath, garlic tea, how to make garlic oil.
Remedy (new) posted by Gerda of Fremantle, WA, Australia on 4 July 2010 at 12:35 307
Mince in vitamiser: 30 peeled cloves of garlic, 5 diced peeled fresh lemons,
then bring mixture to boil in 1 litre of water, immediately remove freom heat.
Strain, let cool and bottle it. Keep in a cool place.
Take a daily dose of about 30 ml before or after main meal. Do this for 3 weeks, have an 8 day break and do another 3 weeks.
Its good to do once a year.
No unpleasant smell of garlic.
People with arteriosclerosis can sleep again, one lady avoided heart surgery because the plaque had completely dissolved.
I myself feel fitter and younger.
Remedy (new) posted by David Niven Miller of Perth, WA, Australia on 7 June 2010 at 20:33 267
Eat a clove of fresh raw garlic per day. Chop it, have it in salads or with other foods. The garlic has numerous health benefits, including acting as a blood thinner and promoting good circulation