Ailment: Toothache
Remedy: Oil pulling
Oil pulling, how it works, why it works, instructions on how to use oil pulling, important notes on use, traditional natural home remedy for this list of ailments.

Comment posted by Soul of Newcastle Upon Tyne, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom on 24 August 2013 at 6:51 1346
Garlic cured an infected wisdom tooth I had for years. Oil pulling with tumeric and garlic infused sunflower oil also helped heal my damaged teeth.
Comment posted by Margaret of Sydney, NSW, Australia on 30 July 2012 at 9:51 707
I have periodontal disease and was told that being diabetic is probably the cause, contributing factor. When I had problems a couple of years back I used oil pulling and the pain in the tooth I was concerned with stopped. From time to time I still do it but am supposed to have dental treatment for it but will be on a waiting list. I have dry mouth, dry eye as well. The eye specialist put me on omeaga 3 supplements and said the dry mouth is also a symptom. The dentist asked me if I drink enough water (yes) and she was interested in what the eye doctor told me. I stopped taking the supplements because the ones he supplied were expensive. I will give this another try as it does help a lot, just a bit of a nuisance.
Comment posted by Janet of North East, Victoria, Australia on 30 November 2011 at 17:14 535
I was put on two lots antibiotics due to acute periodontal infections, and was told about oil pulling by the naturopath at the health shop I purchased some probiotics from. Three days after finishing the antibiotics the infection returned, so I started oil pulling twice a day using sesame oil with a drop of wild oregano oil in it. The next day the pain had stopped, then the swelling and inflammation vanished. I've kept up the oil pulling, alternating between sesame oil and coconut oil every month and I haven't had any gum problems since. Also my skin has improved quite markedly, my teeth are whiter, and I don't suffer from a dry mouth any more.
Comment posted by Carolyn of Crystal Lake, WI, USA on 26 August 2011 at 13:27 498
Oil pulling twice a day with sesame oil as instructed by holistic dentist gave me relief from tooth pain.