Ailment: Tooth grinding
Remedy: Water (drinking water)
Water (drinking water). Water as a remedy. Dehydration, symptoms, lack of thirst, how much water to drink, dangers of drinking too much water.
Comment posted by Simon of Perth, WA, Australia on 2 February 2012 at 13:24 583
I had been drinking acidic rain water for years, and eventually discovered that it was eroding my tooth enamel & corroding my mercury amalgams dental fillings. I read up on low-mineral water and found that a lack of minerals including low calcium & magnesium are linked to teeth grinding. I stopped grinding teeth soon after changing from drinking acidic rain water to mineralised water. It also helped remineralize the calcium in my teeth. The calcium in alkaline water slows corrosion of mercury amalgams, acid rain water does the opposite. The more calcium is restored the less grinding, by buffering pH that could not happen with acidic water lacking calcium. No more grinding after years of acidic water.