Grow Youthful: How to Slow Your Aging and Enjoy Extraordinary Health
Grow Youthful: How to Slow Your Aging and Enjoy Extraordinary Health


What are floaters?

Causes of floaters

Prevention / remedies / treatment for floaters


What are floaters?

Floaters are visible shapes in your vision that look like pieces of hair, threads, fragments of cobwebs, spots and blobs. They are most apparent when looking at a blank surface like a white wall or plain blue sky. These shapes can vary in size, consistency and movement. Often they are opaque.

Eye floaters also known as known as myodesopsia, myiodeopsia, myiodesopsia, or myodeopsia.

Floaters are collagen particles in the eye's vitreous humour, the thick transparent gel that fills the eye. Often these collagen particles are glycated, forming Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGEs), where sugars and collagen combine into a harmful form. AGEs are the outcome of a high sugar, high carbohydrate diet. Floaters drift in this fluid, and generally follow rapid movements of the eye.

Floaters are quite common and do not intrude enough to affect the lives of most people. However in severe cases they are a nuisance and distraction, and can prevent the ability to read, drive a vehicle, or in other ways live a normal and functional life.

About 70% of adults have floaters in varying degrees, many children have them too.

Most doctors and specialists say that floaters don't usually change much, and for many people the most prominent floaters continue to be seen in the field of vision for a lifetime. However it is my experience that they do move around, they can come and go, and they can completely and permanently disappear.

If you are healthy and active, floaters will often disappear on their own. The time can vary from minutes to months!

Warning. The appearance of flashes or the sudden onset of numerous floaters should be urgently investigated by an eye specialist, as it may indicate a torn or detached retina that can cause permanent blindness.

Causes of floaters

Prevention / remedies / treatment for floaters


1. Chi-Ting Horng, Fu-An Chen1, Daih-Huang Kuo1, Li-Chai Chen1, Shou-Shan Yeh, Po-Chuen Shieh1. Pharmacologic vitreolysis of vitreous floaters by 3-month pineapple supplement in Taiwan: A pilot study. Journal of American Science 2019; 15(4).

2. Ma JW, Hung JL, Takeuchi M, Shieh PC, Horng CT. A New Pharmacological Vitreolysis through the Supplement of Mixed Fruit Enzymes for Patients with Ocular Floaters or Vitreous Hemorrhage-Induced Floaters. J Clin Med. 2022 Nov 13;11(22):6710. doi: 10.3390/jcm11226710. PMID: 36431188; PMCID: PMC9695351.

3. Emmanuel Ankamah, Marina Green-Gomez1, Warren Roche1, Eugene Ng, Ulrich Welge-Luben, Thomas Kaercher, John M. Nolan Dietary Intervention With a Targeted Micronutrient Formulation Reduces the Visual Discomfort Associated With Vitreous Degeneration. 14 October 2021, Nutrition Research Centre Ireland, School of Health Sciences, Waterford Institute of Technology.