A hangover is the headache, nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, sensitivity to light and noise, lethargy, depression, diarrhoea or thirst that is the result of drinking too much alcohol. Usually a hangover is at its worst the morning after a night of heavy drinking
The effects vary considerably, depending on the person and the type of drink. Some people get a hangover after drinking only a small amount of alcohol. A hangover is caused by the dehydrating effect of the alcohol and adverse reactions to chemical additives in many drinks
A weak liver or the presence of certain digestive enzymes can make some people more susceptible to hangovers
If you have had too much alcohol, drink plenty of water immediately, before going to bed, and the next day. This will help remove some of the toxins, and rehydrate the body (alcohol is a dehydrator)
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Lemon juice and baking soda
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