Ailment: Arthritis - osteo
Remedy: Magnesium Oil

Comment posted by Carolyn Crocker of South Johnstone, Qld, Australia on 2 January 2014 at 21:53 1664
I'm 53, I have had dicky knees for 15 years or so, they were helped very much to be not so dicky with acupuncture, (brilliant things those little needles) !!
Lately, the last 6-12ish months or so, my ankles & feet have also started to get a bit creaky & painful .... i.e. it takes me 20 paces or so to move properly ... once I get going, I am good as gold.
My knees .... thanks to the acupuncture, I could sorta move into & out of a crouch, squat position, prior to the acupuncture ... I could NOT do this at all.
After acupuncture, different story, up & down on my knees with minimal help from solid objects or people ... VERY HAPPY with the magic needles.
HOWEVER ... since the acupuncture, I have reinjured my knees, & have not had the time or $$$ to do acupucture.
I am a veterinary nurse. A friend, a former vet nurse at my place of work, told me that she had given borax to her very ancient dog suffering with arthritis ... BUT on vet drugs ... she said that with 3-4 days she had a different dog. I had no reason not to believe her ... I have known her for almost 30 years. She's now a human nurse, & has been for a long time.
I have done the Krill Oil, Fish Oil, Glucosamine, etc. They do work, but slowly. Also they cost money.
This is my 4th day on borax with added Magnesium. YAY YAY YAY !! I did some research ... yeah ... the magnesium & borax work together with your muscles & bones ... go look it up for yourself people.
I have done what this, & other sites recommend.
1 (ONE) teaspoon of borax in a litre of water. This is your "concentrate". Twice a day, take a teaspoon from the concentrate & put it in a cup of water ... DRINK ... it's not awful, I cannot taste it at all, but stick a bit of flavouring in if it bothers you. I have a lime tree in the yard, I use that, just cause I don't like seeing fruit go to waste.
My knees are like WOW !!! No pain going into a crouch. There is a little pain on the way up, but it's minimal ... my ankles are almost pain free, my feet are still sore, but getting better rapidly.
If I had to give my pain an overall score out of 10 prior to taking the borax & magnesium ... with 10 being bad ... I would give myself 2 scores ... 7.5 if I had been still ... i.e. caught up in gardening / computer / tv & not changing position for a few minutes. If I had been moving .. i.e. sweeping or mowing etc, the pain score would have 2-10.
I've been at the p.c. for 2 ish hours ... I had to have a loo break.
My pain level was almost zero when I got up.
The worst injured of my knees was pain level .5 -1. My ankles... no pain at all. There is still a little pain in my feet, I'd give that a pain rating of 2-10.
I am at the end of 4 days of Borax ++++ magnesium, I have learnt a lot thanks to my friend