Ailment: Acne
Remedy: Apple Cider Vinegar

Comment posted by Steve of London, UK, UK on 26 May 2010 at 19:34 223
Apple Cider Vinegar is just amazing for acne! I am 30 yrs old and have suffered from acne since my teens. My face has never been blemish free before. I spent thousands on medicines and OTC creams Including roaccutane in my early 20's for cystic acne. I was desperate recently when my forehead broke out all over in tiny bumps and nothing (not even antibiotics) was able to clear it. I came across ACV reviews here and thought "what do I have to lose?" I bought a raw unpasteurised bottle with stringy and clouds "mother" in it and used it straight out of the bottle. I wash my face at night, towel dry, then dab the ACV on infected areas with a cotton ball. I let it dry and leave it on all night. In the morning, I rinse my face with warm water (no soap) and towel dry. I then dab the ACV again. At first it stung the heck out of my face, and had a strong smell and the fumes burned my eyes a little, but after a while, it settled down and I got used to it. Its not too bad now. Within 3 days the tiny bumps had vanished and my skin was baby smooth. One big zit took 3-4 days to slowly dry up. If you see puss rise up in some LEAVE THEM ALONE. Picking them will only spread the infection and leave a scar. I've used it for about 2 months now and my skin is healthy and acne free! I just hope it will stay like this, it is that good.
Remedy (new) posted by Selene of Los Angeles, CA, USA on 26 May 2010 at 18:57 222
In my teens I had the odd pimple every week or two, but now at the age of 22 it was getting worse and I had acne on my cheeks and chest most of the time. I tried everything and even went to a dermatologist. She prescribed Retin-a and an antibacterial face wash. Neither helped at all. A couple weeks ago I read about apple cider vinegar on this site. Every morning and night I wash my face with a face wash, then apply ACV to my face. I let it dry for 5 minutes then apply a moisturiser. I also drink a glass of ACV with two teaspoons of water mid-morning. I can't believe how good my skin looks now after just a couple of weeks. The acne is almost completely gone, replaced by a healthy glow. I would recommend this to anyone with acne problems. It really works! Also read my post about how ACV cured my monthly PMS.