Ailment: Tooth decay
Remedy: Soap

Comment posted by David Niven Miller of Perth, WA, Australia on 5 November 2013 at 10:4 1524
In reply to Harry of Corpus Christi:
You can add sodium bicarbonate to your liquid soap and make a much superior cleaning paste. On the
Grow Youthful page on how to prevent tooth decay
you will see that sodium bicarb actually strengthens tooth enamel.
I have been making my own toothpaste for years (using baking soda and a couple of other ingredients), and my dentist says my gums are in good health and teeth are slowly strengthening again. All damage occurred many years ago when I ate a sweet and grain-based diet and used store-bought toothpastes.
Comment posted by harry of Corpus Christi, TX, USA on 5 November 2013 at 2:33 1519
Inspired by the bar of soap scene in "Christmas Story" (with Daren McGavin) and my own soap eating days (for potty mouth), I started using clear liquid hand soap in place of toothpaste. After three years and no cavities and a very clean tooth brush, I've decided soap is superior to the goop the stores sell in tubes. Quickly it heals any sores in my mouth or gums, reduces the plaque (because it kills plaque building bacteria), and after you get used to it, it tastes okay. Occasionally, I used toothpaste for the grit in it, but not more than once a week. Also, there is no fluoride in my tooth soap.