Blood nose
Nosebleed (epistaxis) is quite a common complaint. Usually it is an anterior nosebleed, noticed when the blood drains out through the nostrils. A posterior nosebleed is less common; blood can flow from a rupture in the back of the nose into the mouth, out both nostrils, and down into the stomach to cause nausea and vomiting. Posterior nosebleeds may need medical attention
A nosebleed is caused by a rupture of one of the many blood vessels in the nose. It can happen from a blow or injury, but can also happen spontaneously. Most people have a nosebleed at some time in their lives, most commonly under the age of 10 or over the age of 50 years. They are more frequent in males than in females
- When the nasal mucosa (lining) is thin, or becomes dry or cracked, or is irritated by cold or allergy
- Nose picking and forceful nose blowing
- Medications, especially those that thin the blood or stop blood clotting
- Less commonly, nose bleeding may be a symptom of other illness such as blood clotting disorders, high blood pressure, or kidney disease
Direct pressure. Firmly pinch the soft part of the nose with the thumb and forefinger for 5 – 20 minutes. Breathe through the mouth. Lean the head a little forward, so that blood does not drain down into the mouth, down the throat, and cause nausea
After a nosebleed, avoid:
- Hot drinks, alcohol, smoking, spicy foods
- Vigorous exercise for at least 24 hours
- Bending over, leaning down, or otherwise lowering your head below your body
- Blowing your nose for 24 hours
- Working in the hot sun, taking a sauna, etc
- Picking your nose
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Visitor's remedies
Cold pack
Votes: Yes 1 No 0
Cold water
Votes: Yes 1 No 0
Ghee (clarified butter)
Votes: Yes 1 No 0