Grow Youthful: How to Slow Your Aging and Enjoy Extraordinary Health
Grow Youthful: How to Slow Your Aging and Enjoy Extraordinary Health

Ailment: Herpes simplex

Remedy: Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide H2O2. What it is, healing properties, uses, remedies and treatments, how to use it, possible reactions, warnings, and what to buy (and what not to buy).

Comment posted by mickey in michigan of lansing, mi, united states on 2 November 2013 at 9:35       1517

Lynn, I would say if its tolerable enough to remain off it then let your body do it naturally. But I will warn you, you are going to have breakouts during HP therapy. Its your hsv rearing its ugly head to try to survive. Also use lysine. It really helps.

Question posted by Lynn of Richmond, VA, USA on 1 November 2013 at 22:54       1516

I was diagnosed a Month ago with Simplex 2. I have been taking Valtrex. My original OB has taking the entire time to heal and I'm not sure it is fully yet. I started HP this am. I am on a gluten, sugar, GMO free lifestyle already since I have MS. Should I stop taking Valtrex while on the therapy?? Thanks

Question posted by Island Girl of nassau, new providence, bahamas on 30 October 2013 at 5:32       1508

Diagnosed with HSV 2, I have started the h202 program using 35% food grade and distilled water. There has been many responses in the forum. Only a few reported back that they beat the virus. Several people completed the program and said they are still positive for with hsv 1 or hsv 2. I have reached 25 drops (3) times per day and now I am back down to 18 drops making my way back down to 3 drops. I want to know the percentage those who completed the program and achieved negative hsv testresults.

Comment posted by jackie of columbus, oh, usa on 29 October 2013 at 15:34       1506

I tried the peroxide and it really made me sick. I used the 35% food grade and followed the directions to the letter. I am still having outbreaks from hsv2. I contracted it more than 2 years ago from a sex partner who lied to me. Since I found out that I have it I have not dated again in over two years I do not want to take the chance on infecting somebody. I feel like my life is over. I am 52 years old.

Comment posted by Grace of Brisbane, Qld, Australia on 28 October 2013 at 2:22       1500

To Gil of Nairobi, sorry I gave you a wrong dosage information.After 9 drops x 3 a day, I started taking 1 capsule x 3 a day, stayed on two days, then 4 caps a day, (2.1.1), stayed two days, then 5 caps (2.2.1), and so on till 8 capsules a day (2 caps x 4) stayed on 8 caps a day for about ten days, then now down to 6 caps a day(2.2.2). I don't know if it's the right dosage but as close as to the suggested liquid dose. I used to have mouth ulcer a lot (not cold sore) but now I don't have it at all, so somewhat it's giving me a health benefit, immune system is improving. Good Luck, I will keep you posted.

Comment posted by Reader of Sydney, NSW, Australia on 27 October 2013 at 12:20       1498

The herpes virus uses a protein to neutralise interferons so no interferon/white cell can be totally effective against it especially in long-term because the Herpes Virus treated with interferons becomes interferon resistant. The only way to kill the virus is oxidating it. The Hamletic question is "how to oxidate the virus without damaging DNA material?" Apparently 25 drops 35% peroxide in 8 ounces of water is a solution. One note: I have been on the peroxide protocol for herpes for 3 weeks now after that I had outbreaks every 25 days and I could not accept what the doctor told me: "incurable".

What happened after about three weeks: I had a small OB. It was a red spot with two microscopic blister that never broke. I would say that the intensity of the OB was 4 times smaller than usual. Thi smeans that H2O2 therapy is somehow effective.

Another unbelievable thing is that I stopped totally being allergic to dust mites after more than 15 years of nightmare because just a tiny amount of dust and I woke up full of mucus, synovial pain and puffy face. I did a test: not dusting for three weeks. I would have been devastated as allergic as I was before. What happened: nothing!

This means that H2O2 has beneficial effects in the regulation of the immune response that have not been understood at all by the traditional medicine. Just for the fact I got rid of allergies and allergic rhinitis I am happy. If herpes goes too in a couple of months treatment it is a bonus.

Comment posted by Grace of Brisbane, Qld, Australia on 27 October 2013 at 1:42       1497

To Gil of Nairobi, regards to capsule dosage, I believe each capsule is equivalent to 10 - 12 drops. some specify their equivalent, and some don't. I started liquid HP till 9 drops and I couldn't take it anymore because I was getting too sick, then I switched to capsules, I don't know how many I should take it but if one capsule=12 drops, then I take them as close as possible to the suggested dosage of liquid HP. For example, I stayed on one cap for tow days and moved up to two caps for two days, and each two days I added one caps till I got to 8 caps a day. Now I am staying on 8 caps for the second week because I am having a bid healing crisis. I have one OB after another, but if this is the real healing crisis I welcome it, because it's the chance for virus to be exposed to the O2. Good luck, I will keep you posted.

Comment posted by David Niven Miller of Perth, WA, Australia on 26 October 2013 at 9:41       1496

Reply to Libra Girl of Los Vegas:
There is no study that I know of testing a healthy diet vs. a sugar, omega-6, wheat and processed food diet, for different groups of herpes sufferers. However, such a diet underlies the remedies in this website and is the basis of my Grow Youthful ebook. Many visitors in this forum have suggested that avoiding these "foods" has helped them with their herpes. I don't have herpes, but I do know that on such a diet I feel well, have plenty of energy, a great skin, and my immune system is strong so that I virtually never get colds, 'flu etc.

Question posted by Libra girl of Las Vegas , Nv , USA on 26 October 2013 at 8:12       1495

Is there really scientific evidence that white flour, chocolate, wine etc. is not good for you when you have herpes? Can someone clarify this for me...I'm really confuse about all these foods that I should not be eating. Thanks

Comment posted by mickey in michigan of lansing, MI, USA on 22 October 2013 at 7:54       1489

Steve remember its therapy. When I first contracted it, I wanted to kill myself. I was so ashamed because I was married but separated at the time when i contracted it. Got back together with my husband and brought along this wonderful gift. Fortunatly he has been supportive. God sent! My mother told me go day by day and think of it as your chemotherapy, like youve just been diagnised with cancer. So thats what I do. Ive only had it a yr. Had 1 st breakout 10 months later, and have been on h202 therapy since july 29. You have had it in your system a very long time. It has had yrs to get stronger. So you really need to attack it gradually. Then stay at it strong, for as long as you can. It may take a year. But it sounds like you have weakened it. Also have you read the book hydrogen peroxide miracle cure? It helps mentally to read books about it. Sounds like you are struggling mentally as well. Read positive research instead of stuff on internet that can be discouraging.

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